Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

WorkingDateList ( StartDate ; EndDate ; HolidayList )

Returns a list of dates between StartDate and EndDate excluding any dates in HolidayList

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Paul Bastin   Paul Bastin
Computech IT

  Sample input:
WorkingDateList (01/01/2018;10/01/2018;"04/01/2018¶05/01/2018¶06/01/2018¶08/01/2018" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Returns a list of dates between StartDate and EndDate excluding any dates in HolidayList.
It does not exclude weekends automatically, you have to include them in the holiday list or remove them after calling the function.

NOTE: it requires another function to get the list of dates. There are several you could choose from, but I used this:

GetDatesInRange (StartDate;EndDate)
Get a list of date in the range StartDtae to EndDate


// Check parameters have been entered and make a sensible range

IsEmpty( StartDate ) or IsEmpty( EndDate );
"Please fill in both fields.";
StartDate > EndDate;
"Start date must be earlier than end date.";

// If we are good then return the list of dates

EndDate > StartDate;
GetDatesInRange( StartDate; EndDate - 1 ) & "¶" & EndDate;



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