CompareVersions ( versionA ; versionB )
Compares semantic version (semver) strings.
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John Burwell - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
With semantic version (semver) strings (in the Major.Minor.Patch format, see, simple comparisons don't work, and the strings cannot be simply converted to numbers. Without comparing each segment individually, you cannot make reliable comparisons between semantic version strings.
This function splits two provided strings and compares each segment in turn. As soon as it finds one value greater than the other, it returns a signed integer indicating the result of the comparison.
The function returns -1 if A is less than B, 0 if A and B are equal, and 1 if A is greater than B.
If [ CompareVersions ( Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ; "16.0.3" ) < 0 ]
# The client version is older than 16.0.3
# The client is current or newer than 16.0.3
End If
If [ CompareVersions ( "17.0.2" ; "16.0.3" ) < 0 ]
# False: 17.0.2 is a newer version than 16.0.3
Else If [ CompareVersions ( "17.0.2" ; "16.0.3" ) == 0 ]
# False: 17.0.2 is not the same as 16.0.3
Else If [ CompareVersions ( "17.0.2" ; "16.0.3" ) > 0 ]
# True: 17.0.2 is a newer version than 16.0.3
End If
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