CreateVCardFile ( FirstName ; LastName ; CompanyName ; Phone ; Email ; WEB ; hAddress1 ; hAddress2 ; hZip ; hCity ; hCountry ; wAddress1 ; wAddress2 ; wZip ; wCity%2
Create a vCard file on users desktop, ready for launch URL to add contact to address book. Requires troi File plugin.
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Ole Kristian Ek Hornnes - Show more from this author
ProgramDesign |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
For implementation in a contact register. Use this function in a little two-liners script:
Set Variable $path = CreateVCardFile ( .... )
Open URL ( "file:/" & $path ) ;
Connect it to a button and thats all.
If you dont want to mess up the users desktop, you can change "Get(DesktopPath)" Get(TemporaryPath), or any other desired location of the file.
Note: these functions are not guaranteed or supported by Please contact the individual developer with any questions or problems.