Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ExcludeValues ( MyList ; Out )

to exclude values from a list

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Agnes Barouh   Agnes Barouh - Show more from this author
Tic Tac

  Sample input:
ExcludeValues ( "a¶b¶c¶d¶e¶f" ; "b¶d¶e" )
ExcludeValues ( "I¶want¶to¶exclude¶words¶from¶list¶simply" , "want¶to¶some¶I" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

// ExcludeValues(MyList ; Out) v1.0

to exclude values from a list.

Not case sensitive and not recursive

Used UniqueValues() => not runtime compatible
need v16



Joshua Willing   Joshua Willing, Willing Apps
Mar 21, 2018
This is quite genius.
Agnès   Agnès, Paris
Mar 23, 2018
the code is mostly quite simple ;)
Thank you !
Omelyan Burtnyk   Omelyan Burtnyk, Go To Logistics
Mar 24, 2018
Well done
Thank you
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
Mar 25, 2018
Very nice! Simple, handles lists with long list of duplicates easily and correctly.
19752   19752, fmc
Mar 26, 2018
There is a TIP "shorter list first in FilterValues()", so changing parameter order in FilterValues() would make it a bit faster generally.
Agnès   Agnès, Paris
Mar 27, 2018

With all his years, I'm not looking for speed any more in Filemaker.
But you're right to point it out
In fact, if we want to optimize the code, we must put a Let for each calculation is the fastest :
let ([
Prepa = Substitute ( Out & ¶ ; [¶ ; Char (8203 ) & ¶]) ;
Unic = UniqueValues ( Prepa & MyList )
FilterValues ( Unic ; MyList )

Merci à tous, ravie que ce calcul vous interpelle !
RealGrouchy   RealGrouchy
Nov 21, 2020
This seems to add a pilcrow (line break) to the end of the result which needs to be removed (by stripping off the final character).

- RG>
Agnes Barouh   Agnes Barouh, Tic Tac
Nov 23, 2020
yes, absolutely.
it was a choice, since all the native functions ( filterValues, LeftValues, middleValues etc ) of filemaker which deal with the lists add an "¶" at the end
Thanks you

Kevin Frank   Kevin Frank, Kevin Frank & Associates
Apr 2, 2024
>> There is a TIP "shorter list first in FilterValues()", so changing parameter order in FilterValues() would make it a bit faster generally.

Chiming in very late here -- that's not correct. FilterValues is considerably faster when you put the longer list first, as per

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