ITA_PositionIndexValues ( textList ; searchList ; searchValue ; occurrence )
Returns list of values found in searchList at the same index as the position of SearchValue in textList.
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Thomas Myers - Show more from this author
Innovative Technology Applications |
List( "TimeOff"; "Bonus"; "TimeOff") ;
List("2018-1";100;"2018-2"; "2018-1");
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
I often have a relation that I have filtered on. Example all pay adjustments for THIS year. When I need a quick count of values without making new relations (and not using slow sql). I can use this function. So the list( adj:type) will return a value list of all the adjustments. But I need to count all the quarter 1 items.
ValueCount(FilterValues( ITA_PositionIndexValues ( List( adjThisYear::type) ; List( adjThisYear::yearQuarter) ; "TimeOff" ; 1 ); "2018-1"))
If I want to see dates I could just pass in List( adjThisYear::Date) instead of quarter.
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