Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

WinClipboard ( String )

Sets calculated or related text to the Windows clipboard, use with Send Event [ script step ]

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onefish   onefish

  Sample input:
Text from table::field
(not on current layout)
$variable text
"directly typed text"
All special characters!
  Sample output:
Text from table::field
(not on current layout)
$variable text
"directly typed text"
All special characters!

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

** Windows Only **

This custom function copies text to the Windows clipboard. It uses Microsoft Powershell and requires Powershell 5 or newer (generally pre-installed on Win 8+ systems).

The function must be used from a Send Event [ script step ]. Select "odoc" and "calculation". The function generates the entire call so just add the text to be copied in the function parameter. The function will fail if any text is concatenated before or after the function output.

( String ) can be any text normally available through the Filemaker calculation dialogue. Fields do not have to be on the current layout and no global temp fields are required, as needed for methods using FM's in built Copy ( script step ).

Useful for copying text for use outside the Filemaker environment, such as URL's, compiled text for web forms, etc.



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