Occurrences ( text ; casing )
it returns re-occurring strings either upper- or lowercase seperated by a space
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John Segers - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Occurrences (text ; casing) where text is the text to be tested for re-occurring letters. 0 counts re-occuring lowercast and 1 upper.
The function makes use of the ExactPatternCount function that I found here, and which I renamed EPC to return the letters that occur more than once in a given text. And because the orriginal EPC function it's case sensitive.
Omelyan Burtnyk, Go To Logistics Aug 11, 2018 |
/* Thank you Good job More readable like: */ If(casing=0; ( If(EPC(text;"a")>1;"a ")& If(EPC(text ;"b")>1;"b ")& If(EPC(text;"c")>1;"c ")& If(EPC(text;"d")>1;"d ")& If(EPC(text;"e")>1;"e ")& If(EPC(text;"f")>1;"f ")& If(EPC(text;"g")>1;"g ")& If(EPC(text;"h")>1;"h ")& If(EPC(text;"i")>1;"i ")& If(EPC(text;"j")>1;"j ")& If(EPC(text;"k")>1;"k ")& If(EPC(text;"l")>1;"l ")& If(EPC(text;"m")>1;"m ")& If(EPC(text;"n")>1;"n ")& If(EPC(text;"o")>1;"o ")& If(EPC(text;"p")>1;"p ")& If(EPC(text;"q")>1;"q ")& If(EPC(text;"r")>1;"r ")& If(EPC(text;"s")>1;"s ")& If(EPC(text;"t")>1;"t ")& If(EPC(text;"u")>1;"u ")& If(EPC(text;"v")>1;"v ")& If(EPC(text;"w")>1;"w ")& If(EPC(text;"x")>1;"x ")& If(EPC(text;"y")>1;"y ")& If(EPC(text;"z")>1;"z ") ); If(EPC(text;"A")>1;"A ")& If(EPC(text;"B")>1;"B ")& If(EPC(text;"C")>1;"C ")& If(EPC(text;"D")>1;"D ")& If(EPC(text;"E")>1;"E ")& If(EPC( |
Omelyan Burtnyk, Go To Logistics Aug 11, 2018 |
Continue If(EPC(text;"z")>1;"z ") ); If(EPC(text;"A")>1;"A ")& If(EPC(text;"B")>1;"B ")& If(EPC(text;"C")>1;"C ")& If(EPC(text;"D")>1;"D ")& If(EPC(text;"E")>1;"E ")& If(EPC(text;"F")>1;"F ")& If(EPC(text;"G")>1;"G ")& If(EPC(text;"H")>1;"H ")& If(EPC(text;"I")>1;"I ")& If(EPC(text;"J")>1;"J ")& If(EPC(text;"K")>1;"K ")& If(EPC(text;"L")>1;"L ")& If(EPC(text;"M")>1;"M ")& If(EPC(text;"N")>1;"N ")& If(EPC(text;"O")>1;"O ")& If(EPC(text;"P")>1;"P ")& If(EPC(text;"Q")>1;"Q ")& If(EPC(text;"R")>1;"R ")& If(EPC(text;"S")>1;"S ")& If(EPC(text;"T")>1;"T ")& If(EPC(text;"U")>1;"U ")& If(EPC(text;"V")>1;"V ")& If(EPC(text;"W")>1;"W ")& If(EPC(text;"X")>1;"X ")& If(EPC(text;"Y")>1;"Y ")& If(EPC(text;"Z")>1;"Z ") ) /* Author: of ExactPatternCount ( text ; searchString ) Richard Dyce Source: https://www.briandunning.com/cf/2075 */ |
John Segers Aug 12, 2018 |
I agree, its much more readable. Thanks for taking time to comment. And thank you for adding the source. I'll addapt the changes and add your name. | ||
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