ValueMath ( List1 ; List2 ; operation )
Do mathematical calculations on corresponding members of two value lists
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Bill Thurmes - Show more from this author
ValueMath ( "8¶7¶6¶5" ; "6¶5¶0¶20" ; "/" )
ValueMath ( "8¶7¶6¶5" ; 2 ; "^" )
ValueMath ( "8¶7¶6¶5" ; "" ; "^" )
1.333...¶1.4¶?¶.25 --note: divide by 0 gives ?
Result: 64¶49¶36¶25 --note: acts like Extend
Result: "" --an empty value list results in an empty result
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Use two value lists and multiply/divide/add/subtract/(raise to power) them together, value position by value position
The result is a new value list with the results of each math manipulation
Note: If one List is only one member long, this function will work like Extend, i.e., apply that value with operation to all members of other list
Note: If both lists are >= 2 members long but are not the same length, concatenate the longer list
I later (Feb 2019) renamed this ValueArithmetic because it was a better description of what the CF does
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