Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Returns all default FileMaker 17 error codes as a JSON object { error : {} } stored in a global variable $$JSON_fmErrorCodes

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Daz Lunn   Daz Lunn - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
Sample usage: JSONGetElement ( $$JSON_fmErrorCodes ; "error." & Get ( LastError ) )
  Sample output:
Returns "No records match the request", when last error was 401

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I've returned to FileMaker after ten years away. A lot has changed; for the better. I was learning the JSON function syntax. This CF seemed a fun thing to do whilst re-learning. Actually, it turned out to be quite useful in re-learning FM errors. So, I thought I would share it.

Whether this CF has real world use-cases, I'm not sure. Maybe.

So, it basically creates a global variable ($$JSON_fmErrorCodes), which contains the JSON object { error : { } }. I call this a reference object, because I use it similarly to how I would use a Dictionary.

You interrogate the error object thus: JSONGetElement ( $$JSON_fmErrorCodes ; "error." & Get ( LastError ) ) ... it returns the text description of the FM error (see CF Definition text, for reference).



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