Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ParseCurrency ( Amount ; Decimal )

Turns numerical currency into the text equivalent

  Average rating: 4.4 (33 votes) Log in to vote

Andrew Persons   Andrew Persons

  Sample input:
ParseCurrency ( "223453.05" , "." )
  Sample output:
Two Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars and Five Cents

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Updated 7/3/2006: Fixed various bugs.

ParseCurrency() takes a numerical currency and the decimal symbol used ("."; ","; etc.) and returns the long text equivalent. One application of this is for check printing.

It makes use of two other functions, ParseHundreds() and ParseDollars(). To implement this, you need to create the ParseHundreds() function first, then ParseDollars(), and finally create ParseCurrency().



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