Modulo97 ( Praefix ; String )
Calclutates the 2 digit check code for Modulo97 validation and puts it between Praefix and String
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Christoph Kaufmann - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Building a Creditor Reference defined in ISO 11649:
Say your invoice number is 1234 (4-21 characters for Creditor References)
The Creditor Reference must be RFpp1234, where pp ist the check code that makes the whole string validate with Modulo97.
This CD calculates the check code for any combination of Prafix and String. No dependencies, but since the recipient's software will validate the Creditor Reference, you may want to test that validation using this CF here:
Do not use this CF to build your own IBAN at home - a technically correct IBAN is an incorrect IBAN if your bank is not aware of its existence.
Thanks to Erich Schmidt for the math part.
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