Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

JSON.FromRecord ( fields ; omitRelated )

Create JSON representation of the current record

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Michael Wallace   Michael Wallace - Show more from this author
Empowered Data Solutions

  Sample input:
JSON.FromRecord ( "" ; True )
  Sample output:
"Address" : "123 Any St",
"City" : "Lewisville",
"NameFirst" : "Michael",
"NameLast" : "Wallace",
"State" : "TX",
"Zip" : "75067"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Michael Wallace - Empowered Data Solutions

fields - optional - list of fields to return as JSON. If none provided uses the fields from the current layout
omitRelated - optional - default to false. If true then only local fields are used.

Handles numbers, text, JSON Arrays in fields, JSON Objects in fields, containers as Base64Encoded data, etc.

Known limitations - The following are ignored
Repeating fields beyond the first repetition
global fields
summary fields

10-15-2019 - Bug fixed where field list was adding extra return at the end breaking the calc.



Lazarus Sismanis   Lazarus Sismanis, Decision Group
Jun 14, 2019
Good stuff. That being said, single field provided returns error:
Lazarus Sismanis   Lazarus Sismanis, Decision Group
Jun 18, 2019
Modified a bit to account for single field. Thank you for this wonderful custom function!


// JSON.FromRecord ( fields ; omitRelated )
Michael Wallace - Empowered Data Solutions

fields - optional - list of fields to return as JSON. If none provided uses the fields from the current layout
omitRelated - optional - default to false. If true then only local fields are used.

Handles numbers, text, JSON Arrays in fields, JSON Objects in fields, containers as Base64Encoded data, etc.

Known limitations - The following are ignored
Repeating fields beyond the first repetition
global fields
summary fields


Let ([
~omitRelated = If ( IsEmpty ( omitRelated ) ; False ; omitRelated );

~fields =If ( IsEmpty ( fields ) ; FieldNames ( Get ( FileName ) ; Get ( LayoutName ) ) ; fields );

~n = ValueCount(~fields);

//; ~count = 90
//; ~fields = Left ( MiddleValues ( ~fields ; ~count ; 100 ) ; Length ( MiddleValues ( ~fields ; ~count ; 100 ) ) - 1 )

~fileName = Get ( FileName );

~table = Get ( LayoutTableName );

~jsonSetCalcStart = "Let ([
~field = \"";
~jsonSetCalcEnd = "\";
~related = GetAsBoolean ( PatternCount ( ~field ; \"::\" ) );
~fullField = if ( ~related ; ~field ; " & Quote ( ~table ) & " & \"::\" & ~field );
~fieldType = FieldType ( " & Quote ( ~fileName ) & " ; ~fullField );
~global = PatternCount ( ~fieldType ; \"Global\" );
~summary = PatternCount ( ~fieldType ; \"Summary\" );
~repetitions = GetAsNumber ( RightWords ( ~fieldType ; 1 ) ) - 1;
~repeating = ~repetitions and PatternCount ( ~field ; \"[\" );
~dontInclude = ~related and " & ~omitRelated & " or ~rep
Lazarus Sismanis   Lazarus Sismanis, Decision Group
Jun 18, 2019
Didn't take entire post... Here's the rest following ~jsonSetCalcFull:

~jsonSetCalcFull = ~jsonSetCalcStart &
Case (
~n = 1; ~fields ;
Substitute ( ~fields ; "¶" ; ~jsonSetCalcEnd & "¶" & ~jsonSetCalcStart )
& ~jsonSetCalcEnd;
~jsonSetCalcFull =
Case (
~n = 1; ~jsonSetCalcFull ;
"List ( " & Substitute ( ~jsonSetCalcFull ; "¶" ; ";¶" ) & ")"
~jsonSets = Evaluate ( ~jsonSetCalcFull );
~jsonSets = Left ( ~jsonSets ; Length ( ~jsonSets ) - 1 );
~jsonCreateCalc = "JSONSetElement ( \"{}\" ; " & ~jsonSets & " ) ";
~result = Evaluate ( ~jsonCreateCalc )
Michael Wallace   Michael Wallace, Empowered Data Solutions
Jun 18, 2019
Thank you Lazarus, I haven't had time to look at this since you noted the issue. I updated your change into this function and gave you credit in the comments.
Tom RuBane   Tom RuBane, RuBane Law P.C.
Jan 12, 2024
I tried adding this custom function in FMP 20.3 and got an error that the function name cant be used because it uses forbidden characters, logical operators, or an existing function name, etc.
I've gotten a lot of use out of your other JSON functions, and was excited to find this. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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