Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cf_num2txtSdStUO ( num ; precise ; sepDec ; sepThsd ; unit ; order )

(one more function) to format numbers with decimal and thousand separator (option)

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Fabrice Ricker   Fabrice Ricker - Show more from this author
Kultur und Computer

  Sample input:
cf_num2txtSdStUO ( 23498847,2300435 ; 4 ; "," ; "." ; "CHF" ; "a" )
  Sample output:
"CHF 23.498.847,2300"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

based on both fantastic cf(s) from
Agnès Barouh
Fabrice Nordmann

Salut Agnès, salut Fabrice, ça fait un bail !

Agnès Barouh, Fabrice Nordmann, Fabrice Ricker

cf_num2txtSdStUO ( num ; precise ; sepDec ; sepThsd ; unit ; order)

------- parameters ---------
num = your number
precise = decimal precision (how many cypher after the comma)
sepDec = decimal separator (f.E. "." or ",")
sepThsd = thousand separator (same as above)
unit = kg, m, €, USD, daN, whatever you want
order = > "a" will place the unit at the first place (analog to "from a to z" -> I could have taken 1, but I prefered it so)

------------ explanation --------------
~prec = Abs ( precise )
In case someone wrote a negative precision number.
Interesting for the future: negative value will round up like this: "100" would be resulting from "-2" for "112,34"

~num = 0 + GetAsNumber ( num )
In case GetAsNumber ( num ) gets no number, a zero will always be there to be formated

~int = Int ( ~num )
integer ...

~sign = Case ( ~num ≤-1 ; "" ; ~num <0 ; "-" ; "" )
case a number ist between -1 and 0, the "-" sign (integer gives a 0 back and put the comma away)
Maybe this would go right with "ceiling" and "floor", but I didn't find the time to test.

~dec = Filter ( ~num - ~int ; 1234567890 )
well, the decimal part, without separator

~rest = Case ( IsEmpty ( ~prec ) ; ~dec ; Left ( ~dec & Substitute ( 10^~prec - 1 ; 9 ; 0 ) ; ~prec ) )
I took this cool feature from Agnès and Fabrice, cool, very cool, to get exact number of "0" you want

~3 = Substitute ( NumToJText ( ~int ; 1 ; 0 ) ; "," ; ~sepThsd )
The next feature I from Agnès and Fabrice, to part the number in nice usefull 3-char-blocs from the right

And ... Of course, it's not about rounding! If you need a rounded value, round it before using the cf with the FileMaker function "round".



Béat Grossenbacher   Béat Grossenbacher
Nov 5, 2020
Super, merci Fabrice. (Béat)

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