Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

MatchFirstName ( Name1, Name2, ShowMatchList )

Used to help match/merge duplicate client entries (should always try matching with email/phone/birthdate first)

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Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams - Show more from this author
Augusto Digital

  Sample input:
MatchFirstName ( "Christina", "Tina", 0 )
MatchFirstName ( "Kevin", "Kyle", 0 )
MatchFirstName ( "Phillip", "", 1 )
  Sample output:
"PHILLIP¶PHIL" (Return delimited list of found names)

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

PURPOSE: Help to eliminate duplicative client records, provides another level of matching after email, phone number, & birthday
NOTES: Function will try to match with the first name of each row first (name), if no found matches, it will try matching with a nickname/alternative name.
If still no match is found, it will use the given Name1 and try to match it with Name2
Name1 is the source name, Name2 is the name you're trying to match it with. The result is boolean.
If you would like to see what names it is returning from Name1, enter a 1 for "ShowMatchValues" (useful for troubleshooting)



Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Sep 1, 2019
If you have any names or alternative names I'm missing, please post them so I can add them to this function, Thank you for your help :)
Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Jan 6, 2023
David Angel was nice enough to offer some suggestions such as "DAAVID" and "DAVIDS" as possibilities for the name "DAVID"... Thanks David!

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