Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

@JsonFixElement ( serialNum ; param )

A helper for the native function JSONSetElement() to force objects appear in the order you set them.

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Alex Zueiv   Alex Zueiv - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
List (

"native: " & JSONSetElement ( "" ; [ "b" ; 1 ; 0 ] ; [ "a" ; 2 ; 0 ] ) ;

"---" ;

"fixed: " & Let (
    JSN = JSONSetElement ( "" ;
        [ @JsonFixElement ( 1 ; "b" ) ; 1 ; 0 ] ;
        [ @JsonFixElement ( 2 ; "a" ) ; 2 ; 0 ]
    ) ;
    List (
        @JsonFixElement ( 0 ; JSN ) ;
        @JsonFixElement ( 0 ; JSONFormatElements ( JSN ) )

  Sample output:
native: {"a":2,"b":1}
fixed: {"b":1,"a":2}
    "b" : 1,
    "a" : 2

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

A helper for the function JSONSetElement(). Fixes objects in the order you set them.

Allows to build JSON requests for APIs like Authorize.Net that requires the ordering of elements to match the API Reference (see

Non-recursive. Requires FM 16 or greater (no runtimes).

Can be used with another my wrapper CF to produce an aligned JSON structure with a custom object sort order:

@JsonFixElement ( 0 ; @JsonFormatElements ( fixedJSON ) )



Frederic Bruckert   Frederic Bruckert
Apr 8, 2024
Great ! !! Thanks you so much. This CF is so important to keep order in json object when we retrieve datas from Filemaker, to display them in ordered tables on a web site.

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