Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

JSONListToObject ( objectsList )

Converts a value list of existing JSON objects into a single object.

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Stephan Casas   Stephan Casas - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
JSONListToObject ( "{\"key0\": \"value0\"}¶{\"key1\": \"value1\"}" )
  Sample output:
"{\"key0\": \"value0\", \"key1\": \"value1\"}"

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function is useful when merging existing JSON objects into one single object. For example, you could use the List() function on a field to collect the JSON representations of child records and then use JSONListToObject() to deliver the information as one JSON-accessible text element.

The function works by utilizing my nested Let() function method, which is well-documented in my InsertValue() function on this site.

Data passed into the objectsList parameter must be a value list of valid JSON objects, or the function will fail to evaluate correctly. Invalid parameter data will yield a '?' character at runtime.



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