Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ColourFill ( hexOrDecColour )

Place in a button bar to output a large coloured square, rectangle, or circle ( apply corner radius to make a circle ) in the specified colour.

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Define Database

  Sample input:
ColourFill ( "#FF0000" )
ColourFill ( RGB ( 255 ; 0 ; 0 ) )
ColourFill ( 16711680 )
  Sample output:
[ The button bar button will be filled red. ]

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Fills an area up to about 500px tall or wide. If you need larger, you can change the TextSize value in the function from 1000 to whatever you need.

Rounded corners does not work on Windows (coloured rectangle renders on top). Works on Mac and have not tested with WebDirect & FMGo.



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