Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

_GetAsBoolean ( value )

Converts common boolean text entries in addition to numbers to 1 or 0

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Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams - Show more from this author
Augusto Digital

  Sample input:
_GetAsBoolean ( "Yes" )
_GetAsBoolean ( "No" )
_GetAsBoolean ( True )
_GetAsBoolean ( "True" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Often, we developers are having to deal with other developers mistakes. One of the most common mistakes new developers make is creating a Yes/No checkbox or dropdown list. The built in function does not convert these Yes/No, Right/Wrong, or "True"/"False" values to the appropriate boolean value. This custom function converts the legacy Yes/No field values into boolean values that we can actually use in our scripts.



Adrian   Adrian
Mar 11, 2020
Don't forget "On" & off..
Adrian   Adrian
Mar 11, 2020
// Here Is a suggestion for your insomniac IsNumeric, but perhaps call it "AsBoolean".

Let ( [
value = Upper ( value ) ;

// So we don't have a function calling another function, the start of "isNumeric" (Unless that is what you want to do)?
digits = Filter ( value ; "0123456789." ) ;

// Insure that we are handling whole words, Probably multiple words & perhaps even multiple values.
text = Substitute ( ¶ & value & ¶ ; [ " " ; ¶ ] ; [ "-" ; ¶ ] ) ;

// the "isNumeric" Function.
boolean = If ( Length ( digits ) = Length ( value ) and Length ( digits ) <>0 and PatternCount ( value ; "." ) < 2 ;
GetAsBoolean ( value ) ;

// A few more suggestions for positive response values.
PatternCount ( text ; "¶Y¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶GO¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶DO¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶OK¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶ON¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶YES¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶TRUE¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶DOES¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ;" ¶OKAY¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶PAYED¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ;" ¶VALID¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ;" ¶START¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶SUCCESS" ) or
// Don't forget "Successful".

PatternCount ( text ; "¶POSITIVE¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶CORRECT¶" ) or
PatternCount ( text ; "¶PROCEED¶" ) )
] ;

// Have they inverted the value (Good luck with double negatives).
If ( PatternCount ( text ; "N'T¶" ) or PatternCount ( text ; "¶NO¶" ) or PatternCount ( text ; "¶NOT¶" ) ;
not boolean ;
boolean )


// But if you don't want to "Take The Blue Pill!", converting this list to a "positive" table values "&" adding a "negative" table, (not f
Adrian   Adrian
Mar 11, 2020
##Well that is the Text Limit##
But if you don't want to "Take The Blue Pill!", converting this list to a "positive" table values "&" adding a "negative" table, (not forgetting ¶'s) swapping the "or" parameters to "a +. subtracting the negative" value from the positive value & ending up with a system that provides a over all positive or negative score for any text.
Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Dec 8, 2020
Thanks Adrian for the feedback. I don't think I would want to use PatternCount for this as that could create an invitation for false positives.. and could slow down the function. I am keeping the isNumbers separate since I have made improvements to it since I originally wrote this function.. I have now updated the formula using a slightly different approach.

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