ISO8601ParseDate ( isoDate )
Strictly parse a YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 Date into a FileMaker Date.
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Sam Barnum - Show more from this author
360Works |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Tries to be strict in parsing, to avoid any invalid characters, decimal points, and out-of-range issues with months / days.
Beverly Voth, beverlyvoth Feb 27, 2020 |
Did you know that YYYY+MM+DD is a valid `DATE` field for FileMaker? You can just Substitute( theDate ; "-" ; "+" ) This should work to return m/d/yyyy (or d/m/yyyy for those who use it). Make sure the result is DATE type. IDK FM the version that this became possible, so YMMV (or YKMV). |
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