Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Cleanup ( text )

Shorten, cleanup, and abbreviate text like notes to take up less space, make easier to read

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Chase Holden   Chase Holden - Show more from this author
Merchant Services Group

  Sample input:
"Meet with John for appointment to request he acknowledge documents and files in regard to the settlement case and call back the following month with information regarding jim talk to frank at WallStreet before end of day."
  Sample output:
Meet w John for appt to req he ack docs & files re: settlement case & CB following month w info re: jim tt frank@WallStreet before EOD.

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I would love to combine what others may use and contribute to comprise the ultimate verbosity-trimmer.

Cleans up, collapses down, and removes multiple spaces, carriage returns, long-winded text, and unnecessary spelled out phrases like
"by the way" => "btw"
"end of day" => "EOD";
"Call back" => "CB";
"Talk To" => "tt";
4:00PM => 4PM, etc.

Read thru and customize before you use so that you don't lose any official text you needed. There is no undo obviously but this can cut file sizes down quite a bit with a lot of text notes, etc.



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