Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

ChangeDate_FM_to_SQL__TimeStamp ( FechaHora )

Change data format from FileMaker TimeStamp to SQL format

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Jesus Sanchez   Jesus Sanchez - Show more from this author
dbFile Desarrollos

  Sample input:
ChangeDate_FM_to_SQL__TimeStamp ( 17/09/2018 17:53:06 )
  Sample output:
'2018-09-17 17:53:06'

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Change a TimeStamp in FileMaker format to SQL format.

See also :



May 3, 2020
Hello my brothers
I want help with this function
Is it possible to have the function automatically calculate the age by day, month and year
I mean with every new day the date of birth changes ..

Of course, with the history of the computer changed

Thank you
Let ([
today = Get ( CurrentDate ) ;
days = today - birthdate ;
md = Date ( 0 ; days + 1 ; Year ( birthdate ) ) ;
y = Int ( days / 365 )];

y & " years, " & Month ( md ) & " months, & " & Day ( md ) & " days"

Jesus Sanchez   Jesus Sanchez, dbFile Desarrollos
May 4, 2020
Thank you for your comment Khalid, you can create a custom function with this one, it will be easier to locate if it is a new function than if it is in the comments of another. Best regards.

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