Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

NumberInWords arabic Version ( NumberIn ; Currency ; DecimalCurr )

here i translate this famouse custom function NumberInWords(NumberIn ; Currency ; DecimalCurr) from Chris Harvey to arabic because there is no arabic custom function to convert currency to letters ..i hop you like this contribution

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Messahel messaoud   Messahel messaoud - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
1500,00 دج
  Sample output:
ألف وخمس مائة دينار جزائري و صفر سنتيم

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

here i translate this famouse custom function NumberInWords(NumberIn ; Currency ; DecimalCurr) from Chris Harvey to arabic because there is no arabic custom function to convert currency to letters ..i hop you like this contribution

"في هذه السكريبت قمت بتعديل النسخة الشهيرة الانجليزية لصديقنا "كريس هارفي الى اللغة العربية لأنه اعتقد لا توجد نسخة عربية تقوم بتحويل المبالغ المالية الى كلمات واحرف في اللغة العربية. اتمنى ان تنال هذه المشاركة إعجابكم



May 20, 2020
Thanks for the upload
When I try "46"
It returns
أربعون ستة دولار وصفر سنت

It reads 40 before 6

Am I missing something?
Messahel messaoud   Messahel messaoud, nowhere
May 21, 2020
i will fix this probleme okay
May 22, 2020
1500,00 دج /// ألف وخمس مائة دينار جزائري و صفر سنتيم

ممكن تفعيل الداله العشريه وتكون من 3 ارقام


Shah   Shah, Maaden, Saudi Arabia
Aug 5, 2020
Dear Messahel, great job done. pls. help me out here, I need custom function for text field convert to arabic text in another field, same as your design above numer to arabic text.
I need only english text to arabic text. Much appreciate.Thanks,
Shah   Shah, Maaden, Saudi Arabia
Aug 7, 2020
Just a friendly Reminder
Dear Messahel, great job done. pls. help me out here, I need custom function for text field convert to arabic text in another field, same as your design above number to arabic text.
I need only english text to arabic text. Much appreciate.Thanks,

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