util.MaxLengthInList ( value_list )
Returns the longest length of the item in the value list.
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Pip Meadway - Show more from this author
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function uses a While loop (only available in FMP18 and above) to calculate the maximum length of an item in a value list.
It will also coincidentally return the length of an individual string, a number implicitly converted to a string, and the length of the filename in a container, such is the forgiving nature of Filemaker.
As this is my first submission, some explanation on my naming standard:
Almost all my custom functions begin with a 'grouping' e.g. this function is a utility function, so it starts with 'util.' I also have 'debug.' and 'iter.' custom functions.
If it's a PRIVATE function (only to be called by other functions) , rather than PUBLIC (can be called from a script), it starts with '~group' e.g. '~util.'
Of course, feel free to rename as you see fit!
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