Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

CombineValues ( list1 ; list2 )

Combines two lists of values, sort of like php's array_combine function

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Jonathan Stark   Jonathan Stark - Show more from this author
Jonathan Stark Consulting

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CombineValues can be used to mimic the behavior of creating an associate array in php. List1 becomes the "Keys" and List2 becomes the "Vals".

I wrote it to be used in conjunction with a Let statement, wrapped in an Evaluate statement to parse incoming script parameters into local script variables.

With minor mods, you can alter the delimiters and output format to suit your taste - I left it really generic.




Tom Vincent   Tom Vincent, Nearly Normal Services
May 6, 2011
Simple, elegant, just the thing I'd have come up with after seven or eight rewrites and a couple of late nights. (We may have similar coding esthetics.)

And embarrassingly, I only needed it for a Tool Tip.

Thank you.
Hudi   Hudi, NY
Dec 10, 2014
Fantastic! Was in a bind with this one when I found it. Many thanks
Adam Dempsey   Adam Dempsey, UK
Jul 10, 2018
I've tweaked this slightly, adding a delim param (I wanted a space) and fixed it adding an extra line return at the end.

CombineValues ( list1 ; list2 ; delim )

( ValueCount( list1 ) = 0 ) or ( ValueCount( list2 ) = 0 );
GetValue( list1; 1 ) & delim & GetValue( list2; 1 ) &
Length( GetValue( list1; 2 ) ) > 0 and
Length( GetValue( list2; 2 ) ) > 0;
) &
CombineValues (
RightValues( list1; ValueCount( list1 ) - 1 );
RightValues( list2; ValueCount( list2 ) - 1 );

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