Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Returns epoch time ( aka: Unix, POSIX timestamp GMT +0 )

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bigtom   bigtom - Show more from this author

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No parameters. Uses Get ( CurrentTimeUTCMilliseconds ) with an offset constant 62135596800 which is the number of seconds between 1/1/0001 and 1/1/1970.

Timestamp returned is GMT +0 (UTC) and this works for local and hosted files just the same.
There are some other more complicated implementations of this, but this is about as simple as I could get it so it evaluates as quickly as possible. No time offset required.



Kyle Williams   Kyle Williams, Augusto Digital
Jan 6, 2021
FYI: Epoch Time = Unix time... Not sure why you didn't include a parameter and have an option to leave the parameter empty to default to the current time? I think that would have made this Epoch/Unix time function a little more useful.
bigtom   bigtom
Jan 6, 2021
Kyle, This is intended to evaluate the timestamp in the most efficient way possible at the time the function is invoked. The use of any parameters was specifically left out, but I do use the same CF with a parameter and it is also quite useful.

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