Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

png1x1 ( hex_string )

Used to set a container field to a 1x1 .png

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Tony White   Tony White - Show more from this author
Tony White Designs, Inc.

  Sample input:
Case (
Status = "Rec. Partial" ; png1x1 ( "fc9" ) ;
Status = "Rec. All" ; png1x1 ( "ccf" ) ;
Status = "Ordered" ; png1x1 ( "fcc" ) ;
Status = "On Hold" ; png1x1 ( "ff9" ) ;
Status = "Planned" ; png1x1 ( "cff" ) ;
  Sample output:
a 1x1 .png

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Used to set a container field to a 1x1 .png

Here are some colors that we like. Also easy to work with!

use case: set a container field based on the value of another field, for example...
Status & Status_Color_R, Priority & Priority_Color_R, etc.

Might be used instead of a Conditional Format Fill to provide a DRYer implementation that is more flexible.

Inspired by CF "colors_for_containers ( color_name ; opacity )" ;



Tim Anderson   Tim Anderson, Tim Anderson Group
Feb 24, 2021
Thanks Tony, useful. If I can I would like to suggest that if an empty string is passed as the parameter then the content is cleared.
Quick and dirty..

~result = Case(IsEmpty(hex_string );""; Base64Decode ( ~png1x1_base64enconded ; hex_string & ".png" ))
Tony White   Tony White, Tony White Designs, Inc.
Feb 28, 2021
Hi Tim, Interesting idea. Added it as v2.

In the v1 a blank value seems to fall to the default and clear. That said, an intentional empty value could be handled explicitly at the top of the Case Function, while a missing value could be handled as a default Case/color/PNG TBD.

Thanks for the feedback.

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