SortRecordsByJSON_AppleScript ( sort_array )
Dynamic sorting for hierarchical field order to create nested subsummaries (macOS only)
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Thomas Siebert - Show more from this author |
"sort" :
"field" : "tablename::fieldname1",
"order" : "ascending"
"field" : "tablename::fieldname2",
"order" : "descending"
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Dynamic sorting for hierarchical field order to create nested subsummaries.
Use the Scriptstep "perform AppleScript" with the option "Calculated AppleScript".
Deliver an JSON-Array in following form:
"field" : "tablename:: field1",
"order" : "ascending"
"field" : "tablename:: field1",
"order" : "descending"
You may use following calculation to generate the JSON:
JSONSetElement ( "[]" ;
[ "[0]field" ; GetFieldName ( tablename::field1 ) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[0]order" ; "ascending" ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[1]field" ; GetFieldName ( tablename::field2 ) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[1]order" ; "descending" ; JSONString ]
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