Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

UpdateValueWhenNotDisabled ( currentValue ; newValue )

In an Auto-enter Calculation: updates the field value to newValue if $$DISABLE_UPDATE_VALUE is False. If $$DISABLE_UPDATE_VALUE is set to True, the field retains currentValue.

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Dale Long   Dale Long - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
field Order::account_modification contains value "Jack" and has the following auto-enter calculation:

Let ( ~trigger = GetField ( "" ) ; UpdateValue ( Self ; Get ( AccountName ) )

User with account name "Jill" edits and commits the record.

  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

I've run into problems with doing extensive refactoring an old database. This often requires transforming data in existing fields or seeding data in a new field. Modification timestamps, modification accounts, etc. get updated during these processes, which gets rid of 'real-world' data. Who was the last person to modify this record in actual use? And when did that happen?

I've reconfigured the modification_account and modification_timestamp fields in this database to use an auto-enter calculation rather than using the 'Creation' or 'Modification' checkboxes in the field options. This CF is used in those auto-enter calculations ('Do not replace existing value of field' is unchecked, so that the field can respond to record updates).

you can toggle $$DISABLE_UPDATE_VALUE to True in a script or other Let statement in order to suppress any updates to that field. Once any transforms or data seeding is complete, Toggle $$DISABLE_UPDATE_VALUE back to False or "", and auto-enter updates will resume normally.

**edit - made CF name more verbose to clearly identify its function. Changed from UpdateValue to UpdateValueWhenNotDisabled



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