TwelveHourTimeConversion ( fmtime )
Display FileMaker Time and TimeStamp fields in 12 hr time format
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Tom G - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
This function displays 24 hour time as 12 hour time without seconds in FileMaker Time and TimeStamp fields for use in text fields and variables.
Example: A text field containing a calculation of
"The current time is " & Get ( CurrentTime )
would display "The current time is 5:08:50 PM" or "The current time is 17:08:50".
If the calculation was
"The current time is " & TwelveHourTimeConversion ( Get ( CurrentTime ) )
the result would be "The current time is 5:08 PM"
If the parameter was empty, the function result would be blank.
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