Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetNthRecordSetFilter ( outputField ; conditions )

Grabs value of a field for all records in a relationship that match given conditions.

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Tactile Medical

  Sample input:
GetNthRecordSetFilter (
GetFieldName ( Person::PrimaryKey ) ;
JSONSetElement ( "[]" ;
[ "[0]field" ; GetFieldName ( Person::DOB ) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[0]operation" ; ">=" ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[0]value" ; "01/01/2000" ; JSONString ] ;

[ "[1]field" ; GetFieldName ( Person::FName ) ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[1]operation" ; "bw" ; JSONString ] ;
[ "[1]value" ; "T" ; JSONString ]
  Sample output:
All the primary keys for people:
- born after 2000
- with a first name that starts with T

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Grabs value of a field for all records in a relationship that match given conditions. Basically, it is a way to filter a set of records through a relationship without changing or adding a TO and listing all of their IDs (or whatever other field you want to grab).

The conditions parameters needs to be a JSON array of objects. Each object should contain "field" (the field you're checking), "operation" (the operator you want to use while checking), and "value" (the value you want to check against the field). The list of operators you can send are located in the Compare function (

I would not use this on records set that are larger in size because it will probably not be very fast, however I have not done any testing for this. The most records I've tested this on is around 20.



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