Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Json2Vars ( json )

Create local variables for all keys belongs to the JSON document's root node.

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Pascal Surget   Pascal Surget - Show more from this author
Creaxion solutions

  Sample input:
{ "id":123, "color":"blue" }
  Sample output:
$id (123), $color ("blue")

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

* Json2Var ( json )
* Based on the custom function of Fabrice Nordmann xml2var.
* Thanks Fabrice, I used your custom function for so many years.
* json - JSON data
* CREATED on 2021-05-20 by Pascal Surget
* Create local variables for all keys belongs to the JSON document's root node.
* For example, given the following JSON, this custom function will create $id and $color variables: { "id" : "123", "color" : "blue" }
* This custom function will return an error code as a result.
* 0 means success or empty JSON.
* 5 means invalid JSON.
* 1204 means one of the JSON root keys did not conform to the FileMaker naming restrictions for variable and fields.
* Pre-19 clients will return "?".
* Errors will be indicated in the custom function result using standard FileMaker error codes:
* Keys must be named following the same naming restrictions as FileMaker variables and fields:
* Does not require any other custom functions. Requires v19 or later client. Pre-19 clients will return "?".



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