Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

JSONSqlQueryResult ( fieldlist ; keylist ; keytypes ; fromwhereclause )

Execute SQL-statement and format directly into JSON, without dependencies (for fmp 18+)

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Menno van Beek   Menno van Beek - Show more from this author
Van Beek Zakelijke Software

  Sample input:
JSONSqlQueryResult (
List (
GetFieldName ( SalesLines::Number ) ;
GetFieldName ( SalesLines::Description ) ;
GetFieldName ( SalesLines::Price ) ;
GetFieldName ( SalesLines::Amount ) ) ;
"" ; /* keylist may be left empty, see description in function */
List ( JSONNumber ; JSONString ; JSONNumber ; JSONNumber ) ; /* keytypeslist may be left empty. Do not quote() the keytypes, only use JSONString/JSONNumber or 1/2. */
"FROM \"SalesLines\" WHERE \"SalesLines\".\"SalesID\"=123456" )
  Sample output:
"Amount" : 10,
"Description" : "item",
"Number" : 1,
"Price" : 10
"Amount" : 27,
"Description" : "items",
"Number" : 3,
"Price" : 9

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function is intended for straightforward SQL-statements and to have the result poured directly into JSON-format. The function requires fmp 18+ and does not depend on any other custom-function.

Supply at least a list of "Fully Quallified Field Names" and a FROM and WHERE clause. The function will then create the keynames from the fieldlist, but you can also set your own keylist.
The same for the keytypes. Provide a list with only JSONString and JSONNumber values or leave it empty to have the function choose by checking the fieldtypes.



Lazarus Sismanis   Lazarus Sismanis, Decision Group
Nov 19, 2022
Couldn't get the 'keytypes' to work when trying to select number fields as JSONString. Especially problematic when the number field is a UUID(Number)..
Also, in the code, 'fromwhereclause' needs to be replaced with 'clauses'.
If these are fixed, this is a great custom function!
Menno van Beek   Menno van Beek, Van Beek Zakelijke Software
Nov 19, 2022
Thanks for the feedback, I corrected "clause" into "fromwhereclause".
On the list of keytypes: the keytypes should not be quoted. Enter the list of keytpes as:
List ( JSONNumber ; JSONString ) or List ( 2 ; 1 ) or jusr leave it empty to use the native fieldtype (which will always be JSONString if it is not a Number-field)
Lazarus Sismanis   Lazarus Sismanis, Decision Group
Nov 19, 2022
Thank you so much! Got it working as described.

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