Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Explode ( separator ; text ; limit )

Split a string by a string - inspired by similar text parsing functions

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Chris Irvine   Chris Irvine - Show more from this author LLC

  Sample input:
Explode ( ":" ; "uno:dos:tres:cuatro" ; "" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Inspired by the capability of the famous PHP function by the same name.

This is useful if you need to process a string which is delimited by comas, pipes, tab, or any other character. Quickly pivot that string into a value list which is then easy to access with the GetValue family of built-in functions.

The optional limit argument can enhance behavior and shave off unnecessary work. Further examples can be found in script comments.



Vinny giardina   Vinny giardina
Jul 22, 2022
Does this only work if the field calculation is unstored?
Chris Irvine   Chris Irvine, LLC
Aug 29, 2022
The function works with our without fields, stored calculations or not. Your specific situation would dictate which would preferred.

There is no evaluate() in there. References that force an given calculation to be unstored should be the same as with built-in text processing functions.

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