ExecuteSQLResultToJSON ( sqlResult ; fieldSub ; rowSub ; fieldList ; limit )
Converts an ExecuteSQL function result into a JSON object with an array of rows (
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Jeff Norris - Show more from this author |
fieldSub = "|#!"; // some unique string not appearing in data w/o ¶
rowSub = "[*>"; // some other unique string not appearing in data w/o ¶
sqlResult = ExecuteSQL ( "[YOUR FANCY SQL QUERY HERE]" ; fieldSub ; rowSub { ; arguments... } )
ExecuteSQLResultToJSON ( sqlResult ; fieldSub ; rowSub ; "FieldName1¶FieldName2|JSONNumber¶FieldName3|JSONBoolean" ; 0)
"FieldName1":"Data from row 1 column 1 of SQL query",
"FieldName1":"Data from row 2 column 1 of SQL query",
===== OR, IF ERROR =====
"message":"The error message"
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
A different approach to returning structured data (as a JSON object) from FileMaker ExecuteSQL functions.
I do not attempt to dynamically gin up a SQL query.
Rather, this function accepts the *results* from an ExecuteSQL function, along with a value list of field names (& optionally types), and *then* generates the JSON object. Much simpler, IMO, but your mileage may vary, etc.
For the parsing to work, the fieldSub, rowSub & returnSub parameters must (1) all be unique, (2) not contain ¶, and (3) not appear in the data itself. The fieldSub and rowSub must match the fieldSeparator and rowSeparator parameters in the ExecuteSQL function, so I usually just use a Let function and pass these into both functions (see sample input above).
To capture errors, you can check the returned result for "error", e.g.: If [ JSONGetElement ( $result_of_custom_function ; "error" ) ]
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