Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

LastUsedRepNumber ( Field )

Filemaker's Last function provides the actual value contained within the last used repetition of a repeating field, but doesn't give us what that repetition number actually is.

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Ralph Learmont   Ralph Learmont - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
LastUsedRepNumber ( Names )
  Sample output:
Sample output = 5

when repeating field 'Names' contains the following values:

||        ||   Sam   ||        ||        ||   Greg   ||        ||

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Filemaker's Last function provides the actual value contained within the last used repetition of a repeating field, but doesn't give us what that repetition number actually is. There are other custom functions which solve this problem (including my own, but most use an iterative approach to look through all receptions until a value is found.

The feature of this custom function is that no iterative approach is used. Credit must go to Alexander Zueiv.... Inspiration for this idea came from Alexander Zueiv in (FMPexperts Digest, Vol 159, Issue 21) who reminded me about the ability of GetFieldname to do this.



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