ListLogic_Casesensitive ( type ; ListA ; ListB )
Casesensitive comparing lists of values with eachother using NOT, AND or XOR criteria
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Menno van Beek - Show more from this author
Van Beek Zakelijke Software |
ListLogic_Casesensitive ( "AND" ; "AB¶CD¶EF" ; "cd¶EF¶gh" ) /*Values both in ListA and in ListB*/
ListLogic_Casesensitive ( "XOR" ; "AB¶CD¶EF" ; "cd¶EF¶gh" ) /*Values exclusive in one or the other*/
CD /* NOT: Values in ListA missing in ListB */
EF /* AND: Values both in ListA and in ListB */
gh /* XOR: Values in only one of both lists */
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Simple function to compare (value)lists with each other, considering the charactercases. This function is derived from, which is case-insensitive.
The function compares The second list to the first list in 3 possible ways:
1) NOT: Values in the first list missing in the second
2) AND: Values that are in both lists
3) XOR: Values that are not in both lists
This function is case-sensitive and each found true-value are returned.
Requirement: FileMaker 18+ because of the use of the While-function
The XOR- and the AND-types are recursive, NOT isn't.
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