Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

EMLtoJSON ( emailText ; header )

Parses .EML formatted text to read header or body values, or return entire email as a JSON object

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Michael Kupietz   Michael Kupietz - Show more from this author
Michael Kupietz FileMaker Consulting

  Sample input:
EMLtoJSON ( [field containing text from an .eml file] ; "" )
  Sample output:
{ "from": "",
"to" : "",
"subject" : "hello there",
"received" : [ "received header 1" , "received header 2" , "received header 3"],
"body" : "Hello there Alice, I am a spammer writing to fill your inbox with nonsense. Would you like to buy a left-handed veeblefetzer from me?" }

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This function takes a block of text from an .eml file and parses it. You can request a specific header value as follows, for example for the "To" header value as text:

EMLtoJSON ( [field containing text from an .eml file] ; "To" )

You can also request the body as text:

EMLtoJSON ( [field containing text from an .eml file] ; "Body" )

Or, if you leave the header blank, it will return the entire email as a json object, with the header names as keys and their values as the JSON values. For headers that appear more than once, such as "Received: ", it will only create one key, but the values will be listed as a JSON array of all values found. It will also append a "body" key with the value set to the text of the body.

If you have the .eml file stored in a container field, you can convert it to text to pass to this function with TextDecode(ContainerField, "UTF-8").



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