Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


This function will clean up a string to be a safe file path on Mac, Windows or Linux

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Jon Eisen   Jon Eisen - Show more from this author
Richard Carlton

  Sample input:
MakeFileNameSafe ( "Test/Demo" ; "_" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

There are a handful of specific characters that are commonly used in strings that are unsafe for filenames across all major platforms. This will substitute them with a passed character.

It does not check that the replacement character is safe, nor do I guarantee that it covers all instances.

It also protects you from accidentally creating a file whose name will cause Windows Explorer to crash every time you try to open the file.

Note: this function removes all spaces which are allowed on Unix-based systems but not windows. Just comment that section out if you want spaces to be allowed.

If you find additional characters, let me know and I can add them.



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