NthDayOfMonth ( N ; shortDayName ; monthNo ; yearNo )
Provides the Nth occurrence of an abbreviated "day name" for a given month and year
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Ralph Learmont - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Important: Use the short 3 character dayName such as "Sun" , "Mon" , "Tue" etc.
Instead of using a day's number such as seen in Filemaker's "DayOfWeek" function, I found it's easier to refer directly to a day's literal name rather than having to remember for example if a "Sunday" is the 1st or the 7th day of a week.
I found it useful for providing an ongoing calendar of monthly events (based on a pattern), such as the monthly "Market Day" to be held "on the 4th Sunday" of every month.
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