Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions


Converts short number fields to Emoji. Useful for counters on tabs.

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Matt Navarre   Matt Navarre - Show more from this author
Navarre Training

  Sample input:
NumToEmoji ( 7 )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

This is a simple substitute function that replaces numerals with their emoji equivalent. This is mainly useful for single digit numbers. I created it because I like to put the count of related records at the top of each tab, and wanted the number to stand out compared to just text.

If there were more than 10 related records, I don't care much about the count, so I just use a different emoji for that. Also, if the incoming number is negative or text, there are emoji for that. [emojis?]

Fun fact: Pretty much everything in FileMaker supports emoji, from labels to calculations to field names to script names... everything I've tried.



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