AAMVAJurisdiction ( IIN ; Output )
Converts the AAMVA issuer identification number to common formats, including the jurisdiction name, abbreviation and country.
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Matt C - Show more from this author |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
When the details of a PDF417 barcode are scanned on an American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) identification card, embedded within the data is a six-digit Issuer Identification Number (IIN), which identifies the jurisdiction that issued that piece of identification.
For example, if you scan a driver's licence issued by the State of New York, the embedded IIN is 636001. This function allows you to input the IIN and output details of the jurisdiction in several formats, including the jurisdiction full name, jurisdiction abbreviation, country name and country abbreviations.
For example, an IIN of 636001 will allow you to output:
New York
Canadian province codes are in ISO 3166-2:CA format, US States are in ISO 3166-2:US format. Country codes are in ISO-3166 alpa-3 format.
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