JSONToQueryParams ( json ; skipNullValues )
Convert json data to a query parameter-style format where each key and each value are url-encoded
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Mislav Kos - Show more from this author
Soliant Consulting https://www.soliantconsulting.com/ |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Convert json data to a query parameter-style format where each key and each value are url-encoded.
For example: {"abc":"hello world","foo":"bar"} => abc=hello%20world&foo=bar
An example of where this is useful is when generating a pre-signed S3 url for uploading a file. If you want to include tags when the S3 object is created, you'll need to specify a Tagging property whose value needs to use a query parameter-style format.
In FileMaker, it's simpler to construct a json object, but S3 tagging requires tags to be specified in a query param-style format.
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