thisSideOfThat ( text, character ; direction )
Get whats to the left or right of the specified character in the text field. It takes 3 parameters. text, character,direction
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Binu Alexander - Show more from this author
ASC, |
thisSideOf( "" ; "@" ; "left" ) // Returns "user"
thisSideOf( "No character here" ; "," ; "left" ) // Returns ""
thisSideOf( "Invalid direction" ; "d" ; "center" ) // Returns ""
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Get whats to the left or right of the specified character in a text field.
thisSideOf extracts text either to the left or right of a specified character in a given string.
It takes three parameters: the text to search, the character to find, and the direction ('left' or 'right') to extract from.
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