Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

cfCourtStyle ( plaintiffs, defendants, rightTop, rightMiddle, rightBottom )

Style for top of a legal document to be filed in court

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Robert D Trammel   Robert D Trammel - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
cfCourtStyle( "John Doe"; "Mega Corp¶Mini Corp"; "IN THE JUSTICE COURT"; "DISTRICT 1-2"; "DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS" )
  Sample output:
JOHN DOE                             §    IN THE JUSTICE COURT                
    Plaintiff,                       §     
VS.                                  §    DISTRICT 1-2
MEGA CORP; and                       §     
MINI CORP                            §     
    Defendants.                      §    DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Created to create a more dynamic styling to accommodate for plaintiffs, defendants and courts with longer or shorter names. Items on the right are wrapped based on items on the left. You can change the divider or column size, but this seems to satisfy data merges into Word documents. This can take a list of plaintiffs or a single plaintiff, and a list of defendants, or a single defendant. The left column will wrap and resize, and the right column will wrap using the space created by the left column. This satisfied all of the cases we had, but I think it would probably be beneficial to figure out how to make the left side resize in the event that the data in the right column needs more rows.



Robert D Trammel   Robert D Trammel
Aug 20, 2024
This was difficult to work out. But basically it's a manual way to create two columns of text. Specifically for styling on legal documents. I hope this can help someone to not have to work this out.

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