Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

GetRows ( fieldList, N , delim )

Get multiple fields across multiple records

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Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson - Show more from this author

  Sample input:
getRows("Items::PartNum ¶ Items::Description ¶ Items::ExtdPrice", 3, " ")
  Sample output:
P101 Widget 39.50
P187 Brush 2.95
P87 Thing 89.95

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Uses getNthRecord calc to retrieve multiple fields for a complete record set or a portal full of data without a script. Requires Filemaker 8. Requires previous getNthRow function. Useful for making reports in text fields, etc. For example you can use a tab character as a delimiter and then format your text field with appropriate tab stops to make it look good.



Cathy Evans   Cathy Evans, Newton Abbot UK
May 29, 2013
This is great but is there a way of determining how to calculate the N ie number of rows required?
If I do more than is needed I get ??? lines
Bruce Robertson   Bruce Robertson
May 29, 2013
It is assumed you already know what N is. For instance; get(FoundCount).

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