Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

InsertCharacter ( text ; index ; char )

Inserts a specified character in between each character of a specified string.

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George Norsworthy   George Norsworthy - Show more from this author
Bell Mountain Assoc.

  Sample input:
InsertCharacter ( "Filemaker" ; 9 ; "_" )
  Sample output:

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Inserts a specified character in between each character of a specified string. The variable "index" needs to be the length of the "text" string.



Gary   Gary, GC Consulting
Sep 13, 2013
Am I missing something here? When I use this function (which is very cool, btw), it also inserts a trailing char…

The above mentioned sample output is on my machine: F_i_l_e_m_a_k_e_r_

It doesn't matter in my database, but it would be nicer if the trailing char would not be there.

Anyone any ideas?
unix   unix, Japan
Sep 28, 2013
Case ( Index < 2 ; Text ;
InsertCharacter ( Replace ( Text ; Index ; 0 ; chr ) ; Index - 1 ; chr )
Jorge Lopez   Jorge Lopez
Mar 4, 2020
How can I use this function in FM 16?
It does not work with chr variable, but changing variable name it does work:

Case ( Index > 1 ;

InsertCharacter ( Text; Index - 1; cad ) & Middle ( Text; index; 1 ) & cad; Left ( Text; 1 ) & cad )

But when using
InsertCharacter ( "FILEMAKER" ; 9 ; "_" )
the result is

Some help about this issue?
Thanks in advance and best regards

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