WeekdaysOffset ( startDate ; offset )
Returns the specified date plus or minus the specified number of weekdays (Monday to Friday).
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Kurt Otto - Show more from this author
ottopiaDESIGN http://ottopia.dyndns.org/ |
WeekdaysOffset ( "10/4/2005" ; -5 )
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
WeekdaysOffset ( startDate ; offset )
startDate - any date expression or field containing a date.
offset - any numeric expression or field containing a number, representing which number of weekdays you want to add or subtract from startDate.
Data type returned
Returns the specified date plus or minus the specified number of weekdays (Monday to Friday).
This example assumes that the system date format is DD/MM/YYYY.
WeekdaysOffset ( "10/4/2005" ; 5 ) returns 11/10/2005
WeekdaysOffset ( "10/4/2005" ; -5 ) returns 27/9/2005
Andrew Grant, Roseburg, OR Aug 23, 2010 |
Great function. I would like to count the current day and am having some trouble figuring how to include it. If it is Monday, and the offset is 5, I would like the date to show the following Friday rather than the following Monday. Any suggestions on how the modification would look? |
Kurt Otto, Rosebank Aug 23, 2010 |
Have you considered just subtracting a day from your offset? :-) Otherwise if you are always counting the current day in your offset, just add or subtract a 1 where appropriate: If ( // Offset is a negative value offset < 0 ; startDate + Int ( (offset + 1) / 5 ) * 7 - Middle( "23456034560145601256012360123412345" ; ( DayOfWeek ( startDate ) - 1 ) * 5 + Mod ( Abs ( (offset + 1) ) ; 5 ) + 1 ; 1 ) ; // Offset is a positive value startDate + Int ( (offset - 1) / 5 ) * 7 + Middle ( "12345012340123601256014560345623456" ; ( DayOfWeek ( startDate ) - 1 ) * 5 + Mod ( (offset - 1) ; 5 ) + 1 ; 1 ) ) |
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