Converts an old ISBN number to the new ISBN13 format.
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Rolf Clausson - Show more from this author
Mallverkstan |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Converts an old ISBN number to the new ISBN13 format.
David Jun 13, 2015 |
Useful thank you, but now amazon have changed their rules again, and I can no longer NOT provide an ISBN10, but must provide a 13, along with a 10. Nuisance for books published recently. Can you do a conversion script for ISBN13 to 10 ? |
PRob, NY Apr 5, 2018 |
Let ( [ $ISBN_noHyphen = Substitute ( ISBN ; "-" ; "" ) ; $ISBN_stripCheck = Left ( $ISBN_noHyphen ; 12 ) ; $ISBN_stripLead = Right ( $ISBN_stripCheck ; 9 ) ; $weightage = ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 1 ; 1 ) * 10 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 2 ; 1 ) * 9 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 3 ; 1 ) * 8 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 4 ; 1 ) * 7 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 5 ; 1 ) * 6 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 6 ; 1 ) * 5 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 7 ; 1 ) * 4 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 8 ; 1 ) * 3 ) + ( Middle ( $ISBN_stripLead ; 9 ; 1 ) * 2 ) ; $checkDigit = Mod ( 11 - Mod ( $weightage ; 11 ) ; 11 ) ] ; Middle ( ISBN ; 5 ; 12) & If ( $checkDigit = 10 ; "X" ; $checkDigit ) ) |
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