TimeRange ( StartTime ; EndTime ; LimitHours )
Takes a start time and an end time and creates a text multikey field containing a list of all the times (minutes only, not seconds) in that range, inclusive.
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Shaun Bicheno - Show more from this author
Dale Technology http://www.daletechnology.com |
Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)
Simply a modification of DateRange by Andrew Persons, Excelisys. I needed to use a TimeRange field for a surgery appointment solution with calendar interface and his was by far the most similar. Thought I'd submit it in case it saved someone some time.
Can be used relationally to give warning of overlapping appointments etc, without start or end times needing to match up.
Very handy for Diary / Calendar solutions.
Thanks to Andrew for DateRange!
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