Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Phone#Format ( Phone )

Formats a 7 or 10 digit phone number

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Steve Bush   Steve Bush - Show more from this author
Intellisoft Development

  Sample input:
Phone#Format ( 7025551234 )
  Sample output:
702 555-1234

  Function definition: (Copy & paste into FileMaker's Edit Custom Function window)

Formats a 7 digit or 10 digit phone number. First removes a leading '1' and all alpha characters. If the result is neither 7 nor 10 digits, the phone number is displayed in red text. This function uses a space between the area code and the number, so it takes up the minimal amount of room.



Olia   Olia, Montreal
Feb 7, 2014
Thanks for this custom functions. I am new to filemaker and it helped me a lot. I have one question. How should I modify the calculation to accommodate phone numbers with area codes starting with the number 1. (ex. 108 222-2222).

Thanks a lot for the help.
Thomas   Thomas, Germany
Feb 16, 2014
I believe that this phone format function is primarily for US and Canada, neither of which us 1 to start an area code. However if you comment out the 2 "num" line that should do it.

// num = Case(Left(num;1)= "1"; Middle(num;2;20); num);

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